How Much Difference, If Any, Will It Make(& For How Long)?
For quite awhile now, I've been wanting to buy myself a new Bible. It's taken me awhile to get it tho, cuz I've been rather particular and/or specific about exactly what kind of Bible I want, or don't want.
I've been looking for one that's either NKJV or NASB/V. One that's not a Study Bible, Chain-Reference Bible, or any other type of "accessorized" or "embellished" Bible. I wanted a reasonably-priced one, which pretty much meant I didn't want a leather cover, but I wanted it to be hardcover. I wanted readable-sized yet not LARGE type, and I didn't want flimsy or gold-edged pages. I also did NOT want "Words of Christ in red".
That's a tougher order to fill/find than I'd expect or want it to be(sounds vaguely similar to our steeplechase). I've checked various Christian bookstores, Christian websites(CBD, IBS, etc.), & even a few church book stores & tables, only to come away empty everytime. Till today.
Today, I finally went over to Baltimore Pike and FOUND the new Christian book store over there; Vine Christian Store. I got a hardcover NKJV Bible for $12.99.
I also got 2 Christian books. They both sound interesting, but I'd've only gotten one of them(for now) except that I needed to get both of them to get my total >$25, so that I could use the $5 off coupon they had in their store catalogue.
So, now, it'll be interesting to see if having a Bible in a version I like that's not falling apart or coverless results in my reading the Bible any more(often) than I do now. Of course, it almost couldn't result in my reading It any less, but that's not the point.
I want to read both of those books, and I also want to read The Screwtape Letters. I have The Screwtape Letters and one other book by C.S. Lewis, so maybe I'll read both of them. We'll have to see what happens.
I also want to go thru all the bookshelves in Becky's room and our bedroom and organize them. Get all the similar-genre books together, throw some out, donate some to the church library, suggest some to Kat, etc.
Kat's sister, Kristynne, and her husband, Rich, are coming to visit us this weekend. I think we're going to the Philly zoo, and we'll prolly go out to eat a few times too. They've got one of those zoo association membership cards that'll get us all in free, so that's a very affordable option among all the various things we could do. Plus Kat & I haven't been to the Philly zoo since we did a Diabetes Foundation walkathon there about 5 years ago, so it'll be a lot of fun. I don't know if we've got enough money to get T-shirts there, but I'm sure we'll still have fun either way.
Thanks for the encouragement! I realize it's only your opinion, but you're far from the minority when it comes to CS Lewis in general and/or The Screwtape Letters in particular.
I have Screwtape and one other book by him; Miracles. I'll prolly like and enjoy Screwtape enough to continue on and read Miracles. Which would be quite something since I'm NOT much of a reader, even tho that's something I'm working on(changing).
It would be interesting to survey a group of Christian friends and see what other book suggestions for the "Backpack of Christianity" you get, as well as how many of the suggestions are seconded by others. Of course, the "caveat" here is that folks'd be asked to resist the temptation to suggest books which are primarilly intended as doctrinal persuaders, but it'd be a neat list anyway(perhaps I've got a future blog entry subject here? ;) ).
Thanks again for the encouragement. And, as far as the earlier entries(than this one) in my blog are concerned: "Read on, sister, read on!"
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